New Swedish items

Yesterday arrived the last part of the SJ Q12/Uh tank wagons, which is now on stock and ready for delivery

I addition to this, we have released a flyer with Swedish items that will be released during fall and winter 2020 (including the Tank wagons).

The new items are:

  • VIDA TMX 1024
  • Tågkraft TMX 1042 in blue color scheme as running today
  • Tågkraft TMX 1033 in orange

See the new locomotives

All TMX should be ready for delivery in December 2020.

Besides the TMX there will be a new run of SJ Hbis with new running numbers, other placement of number plates, and other body ends. The new SJ cars will be ready for delivery early September 2020.

The flyer will be handed out in printed versions to the dealers from next week.

New development – DSB PF / PFR

During this week, we made a release on our Facebook page, that at the end of the year we are bringing a new freight car series. It is the most common open Danish freight car the 1950-60s.

We have received the first test shoots of the cars, and you can see a picture of this below.

The products have been added to our website too.

We are expecting to deliver the cars during Q4 2020.

New liveries of Tankcars and IGK delivery in July

Today we have added 2 new products to our online catalogue. It is 2 new liveries of our 24cbm Einheits tankcars.

DK-871016: DSB ZE 503 298, JAF
DK-871017: 21 RIV 86 DSB 720 2 831-9, SHELL

The shipment of these cars will arrive on ~15th June 2020 together with around half of the produced SJ Q12 tankcars (DK-871020~23), and will be sent to the dealers who preordered.

Our IGK  (DK-872101~10) was last week shipped from the factory in China. Due to extreme high airfreight prices we decided to ship them all by sea freight to Denmark. The are this week loaded to the boat and planning to arrive mid July 2020. 

In the meantime we updated our product flyer with pictures of the mass-produced cars.

SJ Hbis dispatched and introduction of new SJ Q12 tank cars

In the past days we have been busy shipping out the orders of the the SJ Hbis (872201-6)  and Shell tankcars (871008-9) to our dealers. We can now inform that all SJ Hbis are sold out from our side – the demand for these cars have been much higher than we expected, so we thank all who supported this project.

Click for large version

Together with the deliveries we included a news flyer with 4 new SJ Q12 Tatra tankcars (DK-871020-23) , and these cars are now also here on our website.

All the new versions of Q12 is with silver color tanks and in different era with different versions of the BP logos. Besides this, 3 of the cars (DK-871021-23) are new tooling version with new tank, including running boards at both sides of the dome.   

These 4 cars will be available at end June 2020, but can already now be preordered at your Dekas dealer.

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