TMZ 1418 on stock & Intermodellbau Dortmund

Earlier this week we finally recieved our Tågkraft TMZ 1418 locos, and all preorders has been deliveried to our dealers. Should you local Dekas reseller not have any on stock, then dont worry – we still have locos on stock, ready for delivery.

The remaining of the TMZ locos will be sent from our factory in China early next week, and we expect to deliver out preorders on week 17.

After these locos have left the factory, the production line starts to work on the assembly of the “rubbernoses” and we will get back with more “fixed” delivery dates when the final assembly stage is reached (expected June 2024 but is estimated).

Intermodellbau Dortmund

This year we are participainting with a stand on Intermodellbau Dortmund. Ealieer years we been invited as visitor on Exacttrain stand, but this year we are there with our “own” stand, in joint with Arndt Spezial Modelle. Drop by and see our locos in operation and the samples of new coming products – we are to be find at Hall 4 Stand nr. 4.C10.

PFB, IVO and peat wagons in the shops

Last week we delivered out our latest series of DSB PF open wagons; one series of wagons with airpreassure system; 3 wagons with “peat fentch” – one handbrake, one airpreassure brake and one with brakehouse; and final both a rerun of the brakehouse wagon and a new number. The new brakehouse PFR is fitted with 4 blocks brakes, where previous delivered has been with 8 brakeblocks.

Together with the PF series, was also our IVO cheesewagon released. The wagon is based on our IV series, with the outside shelf holders added as etched details. This wagon is with Swedish transport doc holder, so also useful for traffic outside Denmark.

Besides the newly arrived items, we are continuing with the announced new items.

TMZ is in the final stage of production. Before the Chinese new year holiday all chassis where fully assembled, and when the factory gets back to work after this weekend, the final assembly of bodies and full loco is starting. We are hoping to be able to release the first locos just before the easter.

As soon as the TMZ is finished in production, the production of the SJ Y2 rubbernoses will begin.

The CO coaches we released in early summer 2023 is very close to be fully sold out – there are a few pcs left of the 876122 and 23, but they are soon gone. The follow up coach – DSB CL – is finished in design and we have uploaded artwork drawings to the product side. The tooling is on progress and we expect to show the first testshoots in April 2024.

The projest with insulated tank wagons and the SJ Ge/Gs is so far on schedule – both expected to be released over the summer.

TMZ in the shops, coming releases

This week we have recieved our TX logistik TMZ 1422 locos, which has now been shipped to the shops who preordered. These locos unfortunally got a bit delayed, due to a paiting error we had to fix, before delivery was ready. .

All announced versions of TMZ locos are therefor now on stock, and ready for delivery.

Coming releases

This year the productionsflow on the factory is much more stable and smoothrunning, so are the releases of new items. To not make a long text, we have stated below the expected release dates, as they are expected from todays stand.

  • SJ Y2K – Kustpilen – Juli/August 2024
  • SJ Hbis (872211-13) – primo August 2024
  • SJ Ge/Gs, ASG Ge/Gs, DSB LQ (872311-18) – primo August 2024
  • Tankvogne (871028-32) – ultimo August 2024
  • TWA-800B – primo September 2024
  • MX / TMX – primo October 2024
  • CL coaches – expt November 2024
  • SJ & GreenCargo Lnps 891 – expt. Q1/2 2025

TMZ locos delivery & SJ/GC Lnps891

The TMZ locos are now at final assembly stage and we got the shipment dates. As written earlier we divide the shipment in 2. batches.

Tågkraft TMZ 1418 (875052x) is dispatched from the factory on approx 20th March and we will deliver them out in week 13

VIDA (875051x), TX logistic (875053x) and Swedtrac (875054x) are dispatched from the factory on 6th April  and we expect to deliver them out in week 16

We hope the 2nd batch will arrvice before we head off for the Intermodellbay Dortmund fair 19th -21st April, where we are attempting with stand (joint with Arndt Spezial Modelle).

NEW SJ & GreenCargo Lnps 891 timber wagon

In addition to the release of the TMZ loco, we have decided to make suitable wagons (they also fits the TMX loco). Therefor we decided to start the project of the SJ and Green Cargo Lnps 891 2-axle timber wagons. The wagons were made by converting Os wagons, in early 1990s, and was build in 465 pcs – so a common wagon. The wagons are still in daily service in Sweden as Green Cargo and pulled by both TMZ locos and TMX locos, amoung others.

We are at the moment finalizing the CAD design, and expecting to release the first prototypes during the late summer 2024

First batch will include 6 numbers, see the productside

Wagons are expected to be released in Q1 2025

New items and delivery schedule

It is now been a while since we made an news post here at our website – our day-to-day news will be posted at our Facebook site, so please follow that to keep you updated.

In the late spring we have released our model of DSB CO passenger coach and they have been very well received – so well, that one of the item numbers (DK-876121) is close to sold out.
At the end of June our 2nd run of the Swedish SJ Kö/Udg (DK-873208-11) and the tow sandtågswagons (DK-873212-13) arrived. I need to be completely honest and say that the sales have not reach my expectations – It might be due to the arrival at summertime.

We attended the Modell-Hobbby-Spiel fair in Leipzig, and at the same time released our newest catalogue, which is covering for the next year – until October 2024. The catalogue is both available for download here at our website, and as printed copy at our resellers (free).

Unfortunately we are still fighting with delays at our supplier in China, and production is still running late, even though it is much, much better than last year. So I really ask for you al to be patient even models are delayed, we are all trying the best to catch up.

Today the status on presented products are:


(DK-875051x, 875052x, 875053x, 875054x)

We have decided to move this project to the first one to finish.

The locos are in massproduction – at the moment all injected parts are being prepared for spray painting. All locos will be shipped by air during December 2023, but at the moment it is still unclear if someone reach Denmark before xmess. I have asked the factory to make 2 shipment batches: 1st with Vida, Tågkraft, TX logistic; and 2nd with Swedtrac TMZ 1411.

DSB PFB & Peatwagons


To lower the preasure a bit on the production line, we got the offer to get help from “outside”, which we have used earlier and will use for these wagons too. The wagons are in production and expected to arrive late January to early February 2024.

Along with these is also a rerun of PFR with brake house and a new number.

DSB IVO cheesewagon


Will be produced together with the PFB etc and therefor to be released in February 2024.

SJ Y2 – rubbernoses

(DK-875101x, 2x)

Our supplier is expecting to deliver the first set just before the Chinese New year – so early February. But for now, it is still not final confirmed. The rest  will be finished assembled after Chinese New Year, to delivery in March 2024.

SJ Hbis


These wagons have been pushed back to give more space for the TMZ and Y2, so all parts will be prepared before Chinese new year, and finished after. So, I expect release in March/Arpil 2024

TWA-800B rerun + new numbers


As with the SJ Hbis, this production has been pushed back. We have used the time to make some tooling adjustment, so the cars will become even better. The cars will be produced in the spring, and to be released on April 2024.

The rest of new items, more updates will come when samples are approved, but expected releases will be:

SJ Ge etc  Q2 2024

Tankwagons: Q2 2024

TMX & MX (Nohabs): Q2/3 2024

DSB CL coaches: Q3 2024

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