Winter news

Last weekend we attended the Hobbymessen in Rødovre and here we presented our new catalogue.

Among the already known models we presented some new items.  These are:

  • IndlandsBanen TMX 1014 (DK-8750121~4)
  • DSB CM 2193-2202 passager coach (DK-876101~5)
  • Small Q wagon from GDS (DK-872413~15) and Nordfyn. (DK-872415~16)
  • Five-plank version of PF from Ålborg privatbaner (873027~30)

The catalogue can be collected at your Dekas dealer (not all have received copies yet) or can be downloaded here.

As you all are aware shipping from China to Europe is a huge challenge these days, and our deliveries of new items are therefore also not on schedule. Unfortunately.

But the good news is that next week the following items will arrive in Denmark:

  • TWA-800B
  • TKVJ, FFJ, HHJ and OHJ privaterailway Q-wagons

All these models will be dispatched to the dealers who preordered on 22nd and 23rd November.



TMX delivered and HFHJ Mx 17 as new item

This week we have received our TMX locos and dispatched them to the dealers.

The locos have been so popular that the VIDA is fully sold out, but we still have a limited quantity of Tågkraft in blue and orange available.

We are already now planning a rerun for delivery in Q4 2021 / Q1 2022 – so you can still order at your Dekas dealers.

New item: HFHJ MX 17

Together with the TMX we have produced a Danish private railway version in limited quantity – HFHJ MX 17.

This particular loco is interesting because after it was taken over by HFHJ and painted in their livery it was rented out to DSB. During the lease time it was mainly pulling the Danlink freight trains, often in double traction with DSB MX or Mz IV.

The HFHJ Mx 17 will only be available in LokSound versions:
DK-8750113     HFHJ MX 17 AC med LokSound                         
DK-8750114     HFHJ MX 17 DC med LokSound

These locos are in stock and ready for delivery.

New tank cars

Next week a new series of our tank cars will be released. The new versions have been announced in our catalogue and are:
DK-871019 Shell in epo IV
DK-871024 Dansk Sojakage A/S in epo III
DK-871025 DS (round logo) in epo IV
DK-871026 DS (squared logo) in epo IV

Together with the new items we will get a rerun of the previously released B. Ringsted tank cars, both in yellow (Epo III) and in grey (Epo IV), which where sold out fast.
DK-871007 B Ringsted i epo III
DK-871018 B Ringsted i epo IV

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