About Dekas
What is Dekas?
Dekas was founded in 2011 by Kasper Bang Jensen, who after some years as an employee at another Danish model train manufacturer wanted to try something new.
In 2013 we were contacted by company McK, who asked if we wanted to construct and produce their coming models – with that a cooperation was born. After the first models had been released and the European market got to know about our level, we got more inquiries from other manufacturers who wanted Dekas to construct and produce for them.
Today (2025) Dekas is mostly producing rooling stock under own brand, but also CAD construction supplier to a number of other model train manufacturers around Europe. The models are all produced at our partner factory in China, with a workforce of 140 people..
Who are Dekas?
Kasper Bang Jensen
Owner. Born in 1983. Educated bachelor in electronic engineering from Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) in 2011. Has since 2015 been in charge of production of models and injection moulded parts, produced in China.
Ulrik Tarp Jensen (part time)
Ulrik is a well-know danish railway historican, who at Dekas is responsibel for collecting of documentation (Pictures, blue-prints etc.) for our models. Besides that Ulrik is the author of all our historican and prototype texts in our catalouges and flyers.
Mikkel Møller (ad-hoc)
Besides running his own small series models company, Mikkel is at Dekas when needed, taking good care of our reclaim handling and supporting CAD the constructing.
Where is Dekas?
Dekas is located at C & P Inspections buidning, at the following address:
Reskavej 6
4220 Korsør
Please note that we only do B-to-B sales and therefor not are open for private customers.
We can be reached at info@dekas.dk