Earlier this week we finally recieved our Tågkraft TMZ 1418 locos, and all preorders has been deliveried to our dealers. Should you local Dekas reseller not have any on stock, then dont worry – we still have locos on stock, ready for delivery.

The remaining of the TMZ locos will be sent from our factory in China early next week, and we expect to deliver out preorders on week 17.
After these locos have left the factory, the production line starts to work on the assembly of the “rubbernoses” and we will get back with more “fixed” delivery dates when the final assembly stage is reached (expected June 2024 but is estimated).
Intermodellbau Dortmund
This year we are participainting with a stand on Intermodellbau Dortmund. Ealieer years we been invited as visitor on Exacttrain stand, but this year we are there with our “own” stand, in joint with Arndt Spezial Modelle. Drop by and see our locos in operation and the samples of new coming products – we are to be find at Hall 4 Stand nr. 4.C10.